Monday, October 4, 2010

RIP, Henry!

We will miss you, Henry..

Ducklings Photo-op 003 <- Anna couldn’t think of a name for her duckie… She finally decided to name it Henry.. then we realized it was a girl. :) The name stayed anyways.

Ducklings Sleeping 004


Ducklings Exploring 015 <-such a cuddly little duck..

Henry Photo-op 001

Henry Photo-op 004 

 Duckie Eating 001 <-ALWAYS eating something.. haha

Henry and I

Henry and I 002 <- the day before I set her free in the lake

Duckies Walking on Land 015

Anna and Henry 002

Ducks in the Winter 006

Becca and Henry 001  <- Becca’s favorite duck, too!


Henry and I 001

Ducks III (128)

Henry and J (5)  <- I’m biased.. and loved Henry possibly more than any of the other duckies.. guess I’ll have to find a new favorite now.. :(


Rest In Peace, Henry!!

(from a scrapbook a couple of years ago)
My name is Henry. Contrary to my name, I am a girl duck! I LOVE grass, so when my brothers are busy playing in the water or eating corn, Apple and I are busy trying to catch bugs.
When I was younger, I was known for trying to prune my feathers, and falling over. Thankfully, I’ve outgrown that embarrassing habit.
My owner, Anna, is very sweet to me. When she first got me, she thought that I was going to be the biggest duck, but after I grew up and so did my siblings, she found out otherwise. I am now the smallest Pekin of my small duck family! One interesting face about me is that I LOVE dog food!

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