Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I have not forgotten..

Dearest, faithful blog readers,
Fear not, I haven’t forgotten you. (well, I did.. but not any more! ha) My poor excuse is that I’ve been out of town for two weeks and did not have any idea what was going on with the duckies… but I do now!

While I was gone, the little duckies grew.

IMG_8333 <-They’re still really skittish. :( We’re working on that.

See what I mean? They are huge, compared to when we first got them, at least. :)

IMG_8320 <-smooshed against their water bowl, their favorite place to be. (don’t worry, I gave them fresh water shortly after taking this picture)

The bigger duckies are doing good too. I had a photo shoot with them the other day.. ha. It was fun, but for some reason they kept glowing? I guess they were just perfect angels… (ha. ha. ha.) I’ll leave you with a few pictures:

IMG_8305IMG_8276  IMG_8277 IMG_8293




Can you tell who my favorite was to photograph? :)
